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What is TakeTurns?

Effective collaboration on documents and files with your clients, partners—or any party—needs to be structured, secure, and transparent for everyone.

TakeTurns is a turn-based collaboration app where two parties take turns to share, request or update files and documents.

With TakeTurns, everyone knows whose turn it is to work, gets a full history of the collaboration, and keeps everything secure and confidential.

How to use Take Turns

Using TakeTurns is easy:

  1. You begin by creating a collaboration.

  2. You and your counterparty trade control over the collaboration or work turn-by-turn

    1. When it’s your turn, you can: Share or revise the files and documents the team is collaborating on or make requests.

    2. When it’s not your turn, you can recall your previous turn.

  3. When you’re done, you can wrap up and download a complete archive of the collaboration.

At any time, you can

⭐️ Why use a turn-by-turn structure?

Collaborations require structure to help keep everyone on the same page. When working with people outside your organization, imposing your internal processes or systems upon them is nearly impossible. This is why everyone ends up using email--everyone has it and knows how to use it.

Finding something that was both familiar and structured is how we ended up designing TakeTurns around a turn-by-turn process. Collaborating in a turn-by-turn fashion is all at once friendly and structured. We all learned how to take turns when we were children. And when we take turns, everyone always knows who’s turn it is to work. That clarity around who has control reduces the confusion we see in email-driven collaboration. Finally, it’s eminently flexible – you and your external parties can keep taking turns until you’re done.

Who uses TakeTurns?

TakeTurns can be used in a wide array of ways across multiple roles; here are a few ideas:

  • Accounting Professionals - Collaborating with clients on their tax filings and reports.

  • Consultants - Reviewing SOWs and other client facing documents with your customers.

  • Freelancers - Teaming up with marketing teams to create articles, blog posts, ebooks, and social media updates.

  • Investment Professionals - Working with with founders, boards, and LPs on deal term sheets, and financial reviews.

  • Legal Professionals - Reviewing documents, such as contracts and agreements, for clients.

  • Marketing Professionals - Teaming up with agencies, freelancers, consultants, and creators to work on marketing campaigns.

  • Purchasing Professionals - Work in concert with suppliers and vendors on RFIs/RFPs, contracts and agreements, and onboarding.

  • Sales Professionals - Collaborate with prospects, customers and partners to follow-up on leads and RFPs, send quotes, and negotiate agreements

  • Mortgage Brokers – For managing document collection

  • Real Estate Agents - For supporting their real estate transactions

  • Recruiters - To support the candidate management and client interactions

Read our use cases page to see more about how TakeTurns is being used.

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