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Add files and folders

You can add new files and folders to the Flow whenever you wish. Keep in mind that the other party will not see any of your newly added content until you “Send Update.”

Who can do this?


Available in plans


Add files

To add new files:

  1. Click on the Add files button in the bottom bar

Add File - EN.png
  1. Select one or more files from your device.

  2. The file(s) you added will be highlighted in yellow until your update has been shared with the other party. To share the files you added, click Send Update.

Add files by drag and drop

Pour ajouter des fichiers par glisser-déposer

  1. Select one or more files on your device

  2. Drag and drop the file(s) wherever you want. Note that the user interface will highlight the file destination in blue.

  3. The file(s) you added will be highlighted in yellow until your update has been shared with the other party. To share the files you added, click Send updates.

💡 Tip

  • You don’t need to keep the original file name. We recommend you use concise file names that will help your participants understand what’s been uploaded to the Flow.

  • You don’t need to keep the file extension (such .docx) as it will automatically be available when user download the file

  • Use spaces and short file names that can be easily displayed in the card or list views

  • Avoid use of the following characters, < > : " / \ | ? * , in your filenames. Learn about Filename compatibility

Upload status

When your files are uploading to TakeTurns, an icon at the bottom right corner of the content shows you the status of the upload:

  • When the upload is in progress, a blue animated circle is displayed

  • When the upload is done, a green checkmark is displayed

  • If the upload contains an error, a red cross is displayed.

You can click on this icon to view the full list of uploaded files. Each files with be prefixes by a green checkmark (success) or a red cross (error). In case of errors, you can retry the upload.

Add folders

To add a folder:

  1. Click New Folder

Add Folder - EN.png
  1. Type your folder name and click the Add button.

Add Folder - 2 - EN.png
  1. The folder you added will be highlighted in yellow until your update has been shared with the other party. To share the folder you added, click Send Update.

Add Folder - 3 - EN.png

💡 Tip

  • We recommend you use concise folder names that will help your participants understand what’s been uploaded to the Flow.

  • Use spaces and short folder names that can be easily displayed in the card or list views

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