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View file preview, details, and history

At any time, participants can preview the files and see their details and history.

Who can do this?


Available in plans


How to preview a file

  1. Find the file you want to preview.

  2. Click on the file to select it.

  3. The file will open in the file preview window for you to view its contents.

  4. Use the navigation tools to move through the document:

    1. Jump to a specific page using the page dropdown

    2. Scroll through the document using the scroll bars

    3. Zoom in or out using the magnifying glasses

View File Preview, details, and history - EN.png

From this window, you can also rename a file (and add details), mark files for review, download the file or upload a revision.

How to access version history

  1. Find the file you want version history for.

  2. Click on the file to select it.

  3. The file will open in the file preview window.

  4. Choose the version you want. By default, TakeTurns will have the latest version selected. You can click on prior entries to access previous versions.

Work with files - EN.png

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