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AI Assistant

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What is the AI Assistant?

The AI assistant in TakeTurns helps you better understand the files and documents that are being shared with you. The AI Assistant can summarize documents, and compare a document with the previous version of that document.

What AI Platforms are supported?

TakeTurns currently supports integrations with ChatGPT. Learn how to connect your ChatGPT/Open AI account.

How do I use the AI Assistant?

You need to enter your ChatGPT Platform API Key to enable AI Assistant. Learn more here.

Once your ChatGPT account is connected, click on the purple AI Assistant button in the file preview window to open the AI Assistant.

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Then, choose Summarize or Compare.

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How to summarize a document with the AI Assistant

  1. In the file preview window, choose the version that you want to summarize. By default, TakeTurns will have the latest version selected. You can click on prior entries in the version history to access previous versions.

  2. Click on the AI Assistant.

  3. Choose Summarize.

  4. The AI Assistant will generate a summary of the document.

View file preview, details, and history - 3 - EN.png

How to compare document versions with the AI Assistant

  1. In the file preview window, choose the version that you want compare with the previous version. By default, TakeTurns will have the latest version selected. You can click on prior entries in the version history to access previous versions. Only files with preceding versions can be compared.

  2. Click on the AI Assistant.

  3. Choose Compare.

  4. The AI Assistant will generate a comparison of the document against the previous version.

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