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Annotate a PDF

Easily annotate documents and files in TakeTurns with these steps.

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⚠️ Important! ⚠️

Key things to remember when annotating documents or files:

  • Save Changes to save your annotations.

  • Click Cancel to close without saving.

  • You can continue to annotate until you share them with the other party via Send update.

  • Once you’ve shared your updates, the annotated revision cannot be removed from Version history.

How to add annotations

  1. Click on the annotate button. This will unlock the file for annotation.

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  1. Choose the annotation widget you’d like to use from the toolbar. You can highlight, underline, and strike through existing text, and add shapes, text boxes, or arrows.

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(Optional) click Sign to add a signature, learn more about signing.

File Preview Toolbar - EN Sign.jpg
  1. Click Save Changes to save your annotations. This will create a new revision of the file. Click Cancel to revert to the last saved version.

File Preview Toolbar - EN Save Changes.jpg
  1. After Saving changes, your annotated file will appear as a new entry in Version history. If you need to start over, click Remove to delete this revision.

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  1. Click Close to return to the Flow screen. If you’re ready to share your annotations with the other party remember to click Send updates.

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