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Sign in to TakeTurns

You can sign in to TakeTurns from anywhere. All you need is a supported browser and a TakeTurns account. If you haven’t signed up for TakeTurns, learn how.

If you do not have an active session on TakeTurns, when you visit either the or, you’ll be redirected to the Sign in to TakeTurns screen.

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To sign in to TakeTurns, you’ll need to select the method you used when you signed up.

  • If you registered for a TakeTurns account with your email address, enter your email address and the password and click sign in

  • If you did not register for an account or forgot your password, click image-20240525-005922.png to use passwordless sign-in

  • If you signed up using Google, click image-20240525-010951.png

  • If you signed up using Microsoft, click image-20240525-011027.png

Sign in with your TakeTurns account

To sign in using your TakeTurns account

  1. Enter the email you used when you signed up for TakeTurns

  2. Enter the password you chose when you signed up for TakeTurns

  3. Click Sign-in

Passwordless Sign-inimage-20240525-005922.png

You can access TakeTurns without having to register for a TakeTurns account. All you need is the email that was used to invite you. You can also use this method if you have a TakeTurns account and forgot your password.

  1. Click on the passwordless sign-in button.image-20240525-005922.png

  2. On the Passwordless sign-in screen, enter the email address that was used to invite you

- Passwordless Sign in  - 2 - EN.png
  1. Click send authentication code.

  2. TakeTurns will email you a six-digit code. The email will be from

  1. Enter the code you received, and TakeTurns will log you in.

- Passwordless Verify - EN.png

Sign in with Google image-20240525-010951.png

If you connected your Google account to TakeTurns, use this approach.

  1. On the Sign in to TakeTurns screen, click the Sign in with Google button. image-20240525-010951.png

  2. TakeTurns will redirect you to Google’s authentication service ( Follow the prompts to log into Google.

  3. If authentication is successful, Google will return you to TakeTurns, and you can access the app.

Sign in with Microsoft image-20240525-011027.png

If you connected your Microsoft credentials to TakeTurns, use this approach.

  1. On the Sign in to TakeTurns screen, click the Sign in with Microsoft button. image-20240525-011027.png

  2. TakeTurns will redirect you to Microsoft’s authentication service ( Follow the prompts to log into Microsoft.

  3. If authentication is successful, Microsoft will return you to TakeTurns, and you can access the app.

What if I forgot my password

If you forgot your password:

  1. Click on the forgot your password link. This will open the Forgot Password screen.

  2. Enter your email address in the email field

  3. Click Reset password

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