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Recall updates

Recall is a unique feature in TakeTurns. When you execute a recall, you call back your last updates. It’s perfect for those real-life situations where you accidentally sent your updates early or sent over the wrong files.

Recall is only available for LEADERS with a PLUS subscription. Visit to learn more.

Who can do this?




Available in plans


How to recall your updates

You can only execute a recall on the most recent updates. Recall will not be available if the most recent updates were submitted by the other party.

To recall your update:

  1. Click on the Recall updates button

    Recall updates - 1 - EN.png
  2. Enter a note, the Recall message, and click Confirm

    Recall updates - 2 - EN.png

TakeTurns will send all participants a notification with your Recall message.

What happens when you Recall updates?

  • When you Recall updates, your most recent updates will be returned to a pending state.

  • If the other party has added pending updates (modified, or deleted files or revisions), those updates will be cancelled. You will need to acknowledge this possibility when you confirm your recall. This approval will appear in the “Recall updates” window.

    Recall updates - 3 - EN.png

Restrictions on Recall

There is one restriction on Recall: only the most recent updates can be recalled. You cannot Recall your updates if the other party has already submitted updates, and you cannot “stack” multiple Recalls.

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