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Download archives

Everything that takes place during a TakeTurns collaboration is recorded. All of this content--files, documents, all their versions, and chat messages--can be downloaded after the collaboration is closed.

Who can do this?




Available in plans


To download the collaboration’s archive, follow these steps:

  1. Once the collaboration is closed, a new notification and a new button will appear

    The message indicates that the content in this collaboration will be removed from the TakeTurn servers in 7 days. Click the Download archive to download the archive.

  2. After clicking Download archive you be offered a few archive configuration options:

    1. Content - How much content do you wish to download from TakeTurns

      1. Only from the last turn - Download only the final versions of all files exchanged during the collaboration

      2. All turns - Download each version of every file from the entire collaboration

    2. Include Chat Messages - Download all chats message

  3. Once you have made your selections, click Download to have the archive downloaded to your device.

Archive FAQ

Here are a couple of common questions about the archive.

When can I download the archive?

The archive is only available after the collaboration is closed.

What kind of file is the archive?

The archive is a zip file. It contains compressed versions of files and documents from the collaboration.

How is the archive named?

The archive will always be named after your collaboration and appended with the word “archive”. For example, the archive for a collaboration called “2022 DEC Monthly Reports” would be named “2022 DEC Monthly”

How do I access the files in the archive?

To access the files, double-click on the archive, and your operating system will create a folder and expand each file. You can then use the tool of your choice (e.g., Microsoft Word, or Adobe Acrobat) to read the files.

What is in the archive?

The archive will always include a folder called “final version.” This folder will include the final version of every document exchanged during the collaboration. Deleted files will not appear in the “final version” folder.

What else shows up in your archive will depend on the options you choose.

Archive Options

Content = Only from last turn

Content = All turns

Include Chat = Yes

  • Chat.html is included

  • History is excluded

  • Chat.html is included

  • History is included

Include Chat = No

  • Chat.html is excluded

  • History is excluded

  • Chat.html is excluded

  • History is included

What’s in the file: Chat.html?

Chat.html is a log of all the chat messages that were exchanged during the collaboration.

  • The title of the document will be the name of your collaboration

  • Each message exchange will include a timestamp (UTC) and the avatar of the individual that sent the message

Chat.html from the “Subscription Agreement Update” Collaboration

What’s in the folder: Final Version?

These are the final versions of the documents that were exchanged during the collaboration.

In the example beneath,

  • On the left, we see the final turn of a collaboration called “Subscription Agreement Update,”

  • On the right, we see the contents of the “Final Version” folder

Final Turn of the collaboration

Files found in the folder Final Version

The final turn has four documents

The final versions of those four documents are in “Final Version”

What’s in the folder: History?

The history folder contains the previous version of the documents that were exchanged during the collaboration. A document will have a subfolder in the history folder if it was revised at any point during the collaboration.

For example, look inside the History folder in the archive of the collaboration called “Subscription Agreement Update.” In the history folder, we see that three subfolders:

  • 2023 - EU - Software Subscription Agreement

  • 2023 - ROW - Software Subscription Agreement

  • 2023 Software Subscription Agreement (deleted) ← we’ll cover this in the next question

Each document that has revisions will have a subfolder in History

Looking at the subfolder “2023 - ROW - Software Subscription Agreement” we see one document “2023 - ROW - Software Subscription Agreement_4.docx”

  • Because this file is in the “2023 - ROW - Software Subscription Agreement” folder, we know that is a previous version of that document.

  • The “_4” appended to the end of the filename indicates that this was the version that was added (or replaced) in 4.

Why do some subfolders in history have (deleted) at the end of their name?

Subfolders in History that have (deleted) appended to their name are documents that were exchanged but were subsequently deleted during the collaboration.

For example, look inside the History folder in the archive of the collaboration called “Subscription Agreement Update.” In the history folder, we see that three subfolders:

  • 2023 - EU - Software Subscription Agreement

  • 2023 - ROW - Software Subscription Agreement ← was covered in the previous question

  • 2023 Software Subscription Agreement (deleted)

Looking at the subfolder “2023 Software Subscription Agreement (deleted)“ we see one document: 2023 Software Subscription Agreement_2.docx.

  • The (deleted) suffix on the subfolder indicates that this file was deleted by one of the parties during the collaboration

  • The “_2” appended to the end of the filename indicates that this version was deleted in turn 2 of the collaboration

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