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Wrapping up (Close) and reopen collaborations

At any time during the collaboration leaders can wrap-up a collaboration. Wrapping-up (or closing) a collaboration means that there will be no further turns. Typically, collaborations are closed when the work is complete. Leaders can also choose to reopen closed collaborations. This might happen in situations where the parties discover that additional work needs to take place. After a grace period, the collaboration and its content will disappear.

Who can do this?




In which plan?


How to wrap-up a collaboration

Reminder: Only leaders can wrap-up the collaboration.

To wrap-up a collaboration:

  1. Enter the collaboration you wish to wrap-up. To find all your active collaborations use the Active collaborations view.

  2. Open the collaboration menu (the ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner) and choose Wrap-up.

  3. Type a brief message to your other party explaining why you’re wrapping-up the collaboration.

  4. Click confirm to wrap-up the collaboration.

How to reopen a closed collaboration

Reminder: Only leaders can reopen closed collaborations.

To reopen a collaboration:

  1. Enter closed collaboration you’d like to close. To find your closed collaborations use the Closed collaborations view.

  2. Open the collaboration menu (the ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner) and choose reopen.

  3. Type a brief message to your other party explaining why you’re reopening the collaboration.

  4. Click confirm to confirm reopening the collaboration.

What happens after the grace period

When a collaboration is closed, participants can still access it to view and download its content, until the grace period is reached. After the grace period, the collaboration and its content will disappear.

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