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Closed collaborations

The closed collaborations view shows all the closed collaborations in which you were a participant.

Available in plans


The collaboration list contains the essential details of your collaborations. They are (moving left to right along the header):

  • Name - The name of the collaboration

  • Between - The party who initiated the collaboration or inviting party.

  • And - The party invited to join the collaboration or receiving party.

  • Days left before the collaboration is removed - How many days are left before the collaboration and all files are removed from TakeTurns

  • ⭐️ (Star) - The star enables you to mark specific collaborations you want to track more closely.

You can sort the collaborations by clicking on the headers. Also, by accessing the header menu, you can filter the views. See: View collaborations | Sorting-and-filtering-collaboration-views

Finally, there are a few other notable elements on the Collaborations screen

  • In the upper right-hand corner, there’s the yellow action button: New Collaborations. This is for creating a new collaboration.

  • If you have pending invitations, you will see the pending invitation message at the top of the screen. The link will switch your view to the pending collaboration view.

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