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Add participants

At any time leaders can add new participants to either party during the Flow.

Who can do this?


Available in plans


How to add a participant

  1. In a Flow, click on the Participant button

    Add participants - 1 - EN.png

  2. In the participant window, you can add a participant in one of the two parties

  3. Type an email and select the role of the new participant

    Add participants - 2 - EN.png

  4. Click on the Invite button

The new participant will be added the list of Pending invitations until he accepts the invitation.

Add participants - 3 - EN.png

Please note that the invitation will be sent as soon as you click on the Invite button.

How to resend an invitation

To resend an invitation to individuals that have not accepted (i.e., pending participants) follow these steps:

  1. In a Flow, click on the Participants button

    Add participants - 1 - EN.png
  2. In the participant window, find the participant(s) you want to resend invitations to. They will be listed under “Pending Invitations.”

    Add participants - 3 - EN.png
  3. Click on the resend button

    Add participants - 4 - EN.png
  4. A blue notification message will appear in the lower left-hand corner informing you that an invite has been sent

    Add participants - 5 - EN.png

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